7 simple ways to elevate wellbeing in the workplace – and help your team thrive

7 simple ways to elevate wellbeing in the workplace – and help your team thrive

Read any article or LinkedIn post about employee wellbeing and you’ll find a common theme: a happy, healthy workforce is good for business.

And it’s true. Studies show organisations that invest in their staff benefit from higher productivity, retention and profitability.

But beyond the numbers, we have a duty of care to our employees. With staff spending almost half their waking hours at work, it’s critical we create an environment that’s as comfortable and supportive as possible.

Read on to find out how.

1. Spruce up your space

A clean, well-appointed and inviting workspace does wonders for your employees’ state of mind.

Natural light is your superpower here, helping to reduce eye strain, boost mood and improve productivity. So place desks by windows wherever possible – and try to ensure there’s enough space for everyone to work comfortably.

Also try to create pleasant common areas where staff will enjoy spending their breaks and lunches. And why not invest in artwork, plants and décor? These little touches can make all the difference in warming up a space.

Perks like coffee machines and a well-stocked kitchen are sure to be crowd favourites too!

2. Trust your employees – they’ve got this

It’s no secret that flexible and remote work options have become indispensable to many workers in recent years.

So show employees you’re willing to accommodate their needs while highlighting the importance of communication and good faith. If they need an hour off for an appointment or school pick-up, let them know you trust them to make the time up later.

After all, increased flexibility and understanding means a more loyal and engaged workforce.

And it goes without saying that trust needs to be genuine. If you say you’re all about autonomy and then constantly check up on staff, it’s going to undermine all those good intentions!

3. Level up their learning

Training and development opportunities show staff you’re invested in their growth.

So, if you haven’t already, start a dialogue with your employees to find out what technical and soft skills they’re looking to build. Then, try organising regular training days to help them progress.

Coaching frameworks can also be hugely beneficial in helping staff upskill.

At BellchambersBarrett, for example, our long-running ‘Coach and Buddy’ program pairs every new staff member with a senior manager and buddy. For the Coach aspect of the program, junior employees have access to an informal mentor – a helping hand and a trusted confidante to turn to whenever they need it. At the same time, senior staff benefit from fresh perspectives and the chance to develop their leadership skills. Success!

But there are ways to support their growth and development beyond your four walls, too.

As we do, you could also provide study and exam leave – as well as leave to attend graduation ceremonies and celebrations. We also pay for approved postgraduate course fees. And once postgraduate studies are complete, we pay annual dues and association membership fees.

4. Balance like a boss

In this remote working era, the line between the office and our personal lives has started to blur. It’s our responsibility to ensure employees maintain a healthy balance.

We know it can be hard – but try to manage client expectations as much as possible to ease the pressure on your team.

It’s also a good idea to check in with your staff regularly to ensure they’re not overloaded. Discourage late-night work in the office. And make sure they know where to turn for support if their to-do list is getting too long (this is where a mentoring scheme comes in handy).

Also, lead by example where you can. At BellchambersBarrett, we try to ensure the office is empty by 5.30 so that no one feels pressured to work overtime.

Finally, consider giving your people more control over their personal lives. For example, at BellchambersBarrett, our staff can purchase an additional 4 weeks of annual leave each year. We also offer leave for citizenship exams and ceremonies – as well as 14 weeks of paid parental leave to the primary carer (regardless of gender).

A proactive, caring attitude towards work-life balance will help you get the best out of your people.

5. Work hard, play harder

Spending time together in a more relaxed setting helps build camaraderie. And when genuine friendships form, the office becomes a happier place.

That’s why it’s important to run regular social activities, both inside and outside the office.

Our advice? Try to cater to different tastes and personalities so there’s something for everyone. And ensure at least some of the events don’t revolve around drinking!

From picnics and restaurant meals to escape rooms, sports games and cooking classes, your options are endless. So why not get creative?

At BellchambersBarrett, we love getting together on Fridays for a drink and an end-of-week debrief. Our Paint and Sip night was a storming success. And our tennis competition is a high point on everyone’s calendar!

6. Shout out their successes

Praise and positive feedback are essential to employee morale.

So try to take the time to tell your staff when they did well. Perhaps they nailed a project, performed particularly well on a client call, or stepped in to support another team member at the last moment.

Want to go the extra mile?

A system for calling out good work can create an excellent culture of positive affirmation.

For example, put aside a few minutes at the end of team meetings for special mentions. Encourage staff to post about each other’s successes. Or consider offering rewards for particularly good work.

Finally, remember to celebrate milestones and events. If someone has dedicated one, 5 or 10 years of their career to your organisation, that deserves a shout-out – or even a thoughtful gift.

7. Create a culture of caring

Even with all these strategies in place, there will be times when employees need a little extra support. When that occurs, it’s important they know exactly where to turn. And that reliable systems are in place to assist them.

For example, if budget allows, you could introduce a formal Employee Assistance Program (EAP). You might also offer to enrol interested staff in Mental Health First Aid training.

At BellchambersBarrett, everyone is entitled to an annual wellbeing day: an additional day of paid leave specifically for self-care, volunteering, religious holiday – or just some general R&R.

It’s a small price to pay for a happy, healthy workforce!

BONUS TIP: Help them to help others

Volunteering, fundraising and ‘giving back’ releases feel-good brain chemicals.

That’s why we offer our team plenty of opportunities to contribute to the local community. From cycling challenges and sponsored runs to charity balls and board positions, there are tons of philanthropic pursuits for employees to get stuck into.

Give your team the chance to make a difference and feel those office endorphins soar.

Keen to work in an environment that prioritises your wellbeing? Learn more about careers at BellchambersBarrett.