Shining a spotlight on young charities
The global 10×10 movement recently held an inspiring event in ACT to support new not-for-profit organisations. BellchambersBarrett pitched into the fun and auction to support Canberran charities.
Elevating new causes
The 10×10 Canberra event supported three charities: Kulture Break, The Ricky Stuart Foundation and Roundabout Canberra.
All three organisations had a chance to pitch – start-up style – to attendees during a night of dinner and drinks.
The winning bid
BellchambersBarrett secured a table for our junior team members, who attended with our tax partner, Jamie Lucas. Our staff also bought extra raffle tickets, donated funds and joined the silent auction – with Jamie winning a bid.
The prize? A Sydney Swans football signed by Buddy Franklin! All proceeds went to the three charities.
Nurturing local support
10×10 pays forward 10% of their raised funds to start the next 10×10 project – creating a never-ending flow of giving.
And by highlighting emerging local charities, 10×10 gives us the opportunity to give back to our local community.